HECS-HELP is a loan scheme for eligible students enrolled in Commonwealth supported places to pay their student course fees directly to your education institution.
The loan will be required to be paid once your taxable income reaches the repayment threshold.
Once your income reaches a certain threshold (currently $51,957 for the 2018-2019 financial year), loan repayments are then made through the tax system.
As your income increases, the higher the repayment.
Click the link to see the repayment thresholds.
Your HECS-HELP repayment income (HRI) differs from your taxable income. Calculate it like this:
No. Your repayment is based on your HECS-HELP repayment income (see above for explanation)
If you wanted to pay off your debt faster, you can make voluntary repayments, regardless of how much you earn through avenues such as your Mygov account.
Note: voluntary repayments are not taken into account when completing your tax return and will not reduce your compulsory repayments (unless you paid it in full!).
Yes. Each time you change employment you are required to notify your employer.
To notify your employer tick the box on your Tax File Number Declaration form which you’ll need to fill out before you get to work.
Your employer will set aside additional tax from each pay to cover your estimated HECS-HELP debt based on your annual HRI.
Note, your employer will withhold the additional tax based on the income they pay to you. They won’t factor in other income sources, previous jobs or investments. So, if you’ve got any of these sources of income, you’ll have to make a top-up payment once you lodge your tax return.
Your repayment is based on your HECS repayment income (see above for explanation).
Your repayment amount is not determined until all your income and expenses are calculated when completing your tax return not during the year with your employer.
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